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Stores struggling to keep basic cleaning items in stock

Stores like Walmart, Target, Wegmans and Family Dollar are all struggling to keep in stock with basic cleaning items. The reason for the shortage is due to people panicking about be stuck in their homes for days or will the stores stay open.

This is after more COVID-19 cases started to becoming higher and 1 confirmed case in Monroe county.

Journalist Geoffery Rogers interviewed a woman who is a supervisor in Walmart who wanted tp remain anonymous. She says it gets annoying as soon as our trucks roll up, less than two hours all the tissue and hand sanitizer are gone.

Wegmans put a limit on some cleaning items making it easier to keep in stock, but not easy enough. As we visited the stores the shelves were empty around 2 PM.

There have been dozens of fights over cleaning supplies and no confirmed arrest at this time.

If you thought going online to purchase supplies, too late. Amazon and eBay are both sold out of toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and some of your basic cleaning supplies.

What do we suggest, if you’re trying to get some toilet paper or some cleaning supplies you might want to get the stores early or even before they open.

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